Interesting quotes

“When the self-image is adequate and one that you can be wholesomely proud of, you feel self-confident. You feel free to be yourself and to express yourself. You function at your optimum. When the self-image is an object of shame, you attempt to hide it rather than express it. Creative expression is blocked. You become…

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Recent Heart Tests

Recent Heart Tests  In November I became very scared. I was experiencing chest pains and shortness of breath on a regular basis. These are not uncommon after the surgery I was told, but it came to a point where I went to the hospital to get checked out. Err on the side of caution I…

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Changing My Mind

Changing My Mind – the Decision to Change 1989. I reached a decision point. I recognized repeating patterns in my life that were not serving me. It was important that I change them. And I did. The most important step I took was to change my mind. This coming September I will celebrate 30 years…

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Heart Bypass Anniversary Update (Late)

February 17, 2018 was exactly one year since I had a four-way CABG (Coronary Artery Bypass Graft). I wanted to do a post on that date about my continued recovery, but various events distracted me at the time.. So how am I doing? It’s been a long hard road in many ways physically. My chest…

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How am I doing?

How are you doing? That’s the question I hear often. It’s reassuring. The whole experience of having open-heart surgery and managing its recovery as a self-employed single person can be exhausting and frightening. But I look back on the last six months and see I am one lucky person. So many people are in my…

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10 Weeks Post Heart Bypass Surgery

It was one of those extraordinary experiences when life just picks you up and says, “You’re going to do this”. And you can do nothing but be taken along by the tide. What happened? Did you have a heart attack? Why did they have to do a bypass? These are the questions I get most…

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GoFundMe Account

To help me make it through the time post surgery, my brothers set up a GoFundMe account. Being self-employed and not being able to work is tough at times like these.  We’re more than halfway to the goal. Please consider helping out.

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The Haunted Palace for Halloween

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. It’s the October Country Ray Bradbury wrote about. Spooky and mysterious, it’s a time of shadows, ghost and goblins. I’m one of those people who enjoys a good scary movie. Not necessarily slasher films, but things that have the intensity of the unknown and unpredictable to them. The…

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