Recent Heart Tests
Recent Heart Tests

View from Hospital Room waiting for tests
In November I became very scared. I was experiencing chest pains and shortness of breath on a regular basis. These are not uncommon after the surgery I was told, but it came to a point where I went to the hospital to get checked out. Err on the side of caution I remind myself.
I ended up staying for a few days and had stress tests done. I’m glad I did. There is no problem with my heart. I managed the stress test better than I had in the years before my operation. The conclusions: my heart is performing at better than 75%. No signs of A-fib or Congestive heart failure. And my cholesterol is 25. Yes, you read that right, 25.
It seems that my symptoms were the result of the daily whole aspirin I had been taking since the operation. It was aggravating my hiatal hernia, which affects the diaphragm. Altering that medication has reduced all of those symptoms.
So grateful I got good news. Am feeling a lot better overall. Now to keep rebuilding the business and catch up on financial issues to relieve those areas of stress!
Thanks to all of you who read these posts. I feel very fortunate to have you in my life.
Thanks to everyone who has been supportive emotionally, physically and financially. I am still struggling with my financial commitments. If you are in a position to help, please consider donating. Click this link for my GoFundMe Page. Thanks!
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