Update – Keeping Up Two and a Half Years after Radiation Plaque Therapy
To all the readers of my blog, my apologies! I haven’t been ignoring you, but in the aftermath of my radiation and everything else that went on with the cancer, I found myself knee deep in getting back to work with my website business , acting, Voiceover and my music. These days, I think, time management is one of my biggest challenges.
So this is just a quick update to let you know I I am doing well. I have been returning to UVA every six months for follow-up visits and every six months getting excellent reports. There’s no sign of any return of cancer.
I have to keep returning every six months for five years. It’s hard to believe that this radiation therapy took place two years ago this past July and there’s approximately less than three years left on this journey.
So far I’m not necessarily experiencing the the blurring of the vision in my left eye that was predicted. I am trusting this is a good sign and that any ultimate damage from the radiation will hopefully be minimal – fingers crossed.
So many of you have been so helpful along the way and it’s been great to be back involved with the theater community, the music/songwriting community and all my business associates.
I look forward to adding more posts as things evolve
I too have uveal melanoma and went through a process similar to yours. I was also finally sent to Wills and was treated there. I am just two months after brachytherapy.
Sorry to take so long to approve your comment. The amount of spam I’ve received on the blog was overwhelming any legitimate post. I hope you are doing well.
Hi Matthew – Glad to have found your blog. I had my plaque removed yesterday and was very interested you hear your experience. I gather from the dates that your treatment was now several years ago; just wondering how you were doing?