Update: SIx Months Post Surgery – A Patient Process

I have returned to UVA for several follow-ups with the surgeon who did the radiation Brachytherapy. At this point my impression is he doesn’t really see any change to the tumor. He says it takes about 18 moths to shrivel. He will begin taking pictures of it again in February, which will be 8 months since the radiation, at which point we can see any size differences.

I still have a shadow on my vision caused by the tumor and the vision is warped on that side.  Post surgery I also came down with iritis in the left eye that was managed with optical steroids. Unfortunately it also spread to the right eye and it took a couple of months to wean off of the medicine completely.

The prognosis is good according to the doctor. He says 2.5% – 5 years.  Which means 2.5% of patients are likely to see it return in 5 years. For me those are great odds.

I have so much for which to be thankful. The support, thoughts and prayers I have received have provided me with fortitude in moving forward through seemingly unsolvable financial stresses. My goal is to get my business back to its former levels as soon as possible.

If anyone needs a website, knows of someone who needs a website, I would be glad to meet for a one hour free consultation. If you have a website and are not sure if it is doing all it should be for you, I also offer auditing services. Also, if anyone needs a voice over, I’m available.

Thanks to all who have supported me and who read this blog. I am still on a journey to restore balance to my life, and your help has been a great boon to me.